Archive for June 2011


"whatever can be thought of is an idea in the mind of the person thinking of it ; therefore nothing can be though of except ideas in minds ; therefore anything else is inconceivable, and what is inconceivable cannot exist."
that is a quote from Bertrand Russell, paraphrasing the likes of Berkeley and Leibniz, the creators of the theory of sense-data. this is from the first chapter of the book I bought. at the moment, I've learnt that, according to the sense-data subscribers, everything we see is just an image in our minds, made real by our perception, but the thing continues to exist if we no longer look at it, because of god (Berkeley), the universe (Leibniz), or a vast collection of electronic charges in violent motion (sober science). xx

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next year, I should be doing a philosophy degree, if everything goes well on Monday; I have a meeting with my personal tutor on Monday at my university. the train cost me £40 and I have to wake up early. going to be a pretty great day.
this rather shaky and blurred image depicts, with difficulty, the two books that arrived a few days ago. I haven't read any of Sophie's Choice, because it is huge, but I have read the foreword and introduction to the Problems of Philosophy. so far it is pretty basic, not very interesting, but it is just the introduction. I think the whole book is an introduction, but I'm sure it will get interesting soon. xx

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strangely, I'm listening to the same song as yesterday when I'm typing this. "You Came To Me" by Beach House, on their album "Devotion". we have no cereal in so I'm eating a banana. some of my philosophy books came in the post today. my mother suggested "Sophie's Choice" by William Styron, and someone who just did the course has suggested "The Problems of Philosophy" by Bertrand Russell. "Problems" is a much shorter book, and is more of an introduction, so I'll read that first. might give a review at the end of it. xx

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and so I've started another one of these. I'll try and make this less sillily depressed, so that I don't delete it out of fear that my friends might find it and worry about me.// this blog will mainly be populated by words (many different ones), and my photos and my drawings will also live and love here (unlikely that they will love).// I'm listening to Beach House at the moment. just can't get enough of them. currently "You Came To Me" from their album "Devotion". the light notes and quiet voices are just what I need at this time of night. xx

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